He and She – II

Cute Couple
He: Wow.. you looking so beautiful, so gorgeoussss…
She: (wide Grin) : really… or just trying to impress me with your sugary comments.. 🙂

He: oh.. then how about Hot and Spicy….
She: u guysssssssss…. never change in this aspect…

He: u womeeeeeeeeeen never change in make up aspect…
She: womeeeeeeeeeen … haan.. how many included in this haan…

He: 1.. naaaahhhhh 2…. naaaahhh i need to keep the count.. right..
She: (turned and dolefully applying blush) 😦

He: (hugs her from behind) my count start with you and ends with u Darling…
She: (Blushes) really ???? 🙂

He: I think so… (chuckles)
She: (Raising her eyebrows)

He: This look of your’s really kills me…
She: Liiiiiiaaaaaar…

He: Truth it is
She: U have learnt skills of persuading me very well

He: Because I want my honey to smile… Always..
She: Smiles..

He: Love you Jaaaaaaaaan… ❤ ❤
She: Love u too

He: Muuaaahhh
She: awwwwww… Dont spoil my Lipstick…

Both Embrace

P.S: Inspired from a statement (Just randomly read somewhere) “Search for someone who Spoils your lipstick and not your Linear”

P.S.S: First Part for He and She